

(Chapter 9 also includes the following sections: What the Mural Represents, How to Read The Mural, The Purpose of the UFOs, Why A Reward Must Remain Non-Existent, A Guide for Using Checks and Balances, and A Warning to the Community.)

These pages also contain the following information:

  • The Alien, and Altruist camps decoded, and what they symbolize
  • The purpose of the Eye, and what it symbolizes
  • What the lines on the Mural symbolize
  • What the X’s are on the Mural, what they symbolize, and the role they play
  • What the mystery symbolizes as a whole 

It is important to read this information from beginning to end in order to grasp the subjects that are being written about. These particular subjects are hard to understand and quite complex to the general reader who has no prior understanding. This subject takes years to understand, and spans years of my own study. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important that you do the proper research into these subjects in order to verify what is written here. I provide a list of sources throughout which can be used.

Masonry and the Mystery Schools

Exposing the GTA Mystery


(I will assume the reader knows about certain aspects of the game and is well informed to the game. These are my own thoughts, based on research and evidence. I do not claim to know everything there is to be known. It is possible one or two conclusions may be wrong. It is up to the reader to verify this information for themselves.)

The game GTA 5 took approximately 5 years to design and make, throughout the period of 2008 to 2012. During the design phase, we can safely assume that a small team was commissioned to inject a substantial mystery into the game, a mystery that has never been done before in the medium of gaming, especially on this scale. A mystery has been laying in the open, in front of your eyes… and it is not what you think it is. Someone had intent and purpose behind placing such imagery.


This mural (above) is designed in a cryptic fashion. It is childlike and vague, which allows the viewer to apply an endless amount of theorizing. However, there is only one finite meaning to what lays behind this puzzle.

It is possible that the disjointed nature in which the symbolism was thrown into the game, can become quite confusing. However, it becomes more interconnected with the proper meanings applied, regardless of said disjointedness. I try to remain within the means of proof and evidence. At the same time, one must understand what is being shown, or it may, at first, be easily dismissed. Therefore, open your mind to the possibilities that I present. As I said, I don’t have all the answers, but all the answers are not necessarily needed to ascertain an ultimate message and meaning. Sometimes the symbolism becomes redundant in this situation, which only confirm one another and or, repeat themselves to the viewer, yet hold the same meanings. It is important therefore to boil down these meanings.

There are two meanings which you must keep in mind here:

  • Esoteric: intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
  • Exoteric: intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.

I will be discussing the symbolism of the ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt, and its presence in the game GTA, and what the entire mystery is conveying.

Chapter 1: The Illumination of Symbolism


This is the seal of Los Santos. What is less obvious is what you are viewing in the form of symbolism. I will concentrate on the owl, and the rose, as these are the main symbolic items that make up the seal. Notice the owl is a bird of prey, as such, it is holding a mouse by the tail in its mouth. To the left and right of these images are red roses, mirrored on either side.

The owl represents the symbolic guardian of the underworld, as well as the guardian of knowledge and wisdom. The owl here represents Isis, which I will prove within these pages, through showing the intent and usage.

It is important to understand the following distinctions: Isis is the Moon. Osiris is the Sun. Osiris is the doctrine, and Isis is the church—symbolically speaking (the church being the accumulative body of Initiates of the Mystery Schools.) The Osirian legend, known as the Osirian cycle, was never about real beings, or gods and goddesses, but was a method by which the real object of worship, and the real mystery of the Mystery Religion of Babylon, was concealed. These figures were all symbolic of something deeper.

So it must be understood that the owl represents Isis, who uses the symbology of the owl in the Mystery Schools, which I will show, and is a theme you will see repeat itself time and time again.

The Meaning of the Owl:

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This effigy of an owl, depicted in a 45-foot stone statue, can be seen at the Bohemian Grove.

The Bohemian Grove is:

“A place where the world’s elite “Secretly meet for seventeen days each July in a remote “sacred grove” of ancient redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco. It includes the super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials.” – Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy by Mike Hanson

Note: When the term Illuminati is used here, it is referring to the full body of initiates of the Mystery Schools. The Mystery Schools are the ancient teachings which began many thousands of years ago in the sacred temples. It is a secret knowledge passed down through time. It is the collection of secret groups, whom are all striving for what is known as the ‘Great Work’. This is the true term of the Illuminati, and is not one single group. 

The ritual ceremony is played out before a large stone statue of an owl, where in the past, a human was sacrificed in effigy, in what is called “The Cremation of Care.” This directly correlates with the Altruist cult within the game. The Altruists are also cultists who practice blood sacrifices, which I will detail further on. This owl effigy represents everything stated above concerning Isis.


Above is another owl reference in game. Notice the name “Two Hoots”. This is suggesting mirroring and duality, which will be covered later. The owl is indeed tied to the Mystery Religion, and is a symbol used by the Masons. It originates from the Mystery Schools, in the form of Isis, which is what all of Masonic symbolism is based upon, as they are indeed one and the same. Using this thread, I will show how the owl plays a symbolic role, and detail the purpose of its existence.

Below is a depiction of Isis:




In the picture directly above, is Lilith (also known as Ishtar, from which Easter is derived). Lilith is a symbol of a demon, and is directly related to the underworld. Lilith represents Isis of the Mystery Schools—queen of heaven. This theme of ‘queen of heaven’ is repeated throughout the game in the depiction of Mary, the mother of God, with sun symbolism surrounding her, which takes on the meaning of Isis. The owls mirrored on either side of her are symbolic, as I mentioned above, and represent duality.

Below we see more owl and bird symbolism in this depiction of Isis. The owl is important to the Mysteries, and is repeated throughout the game in various forms.

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“Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddess in ancient Egypt. She was regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris, a role she probably occupied before the dawn of dynastic Egypt. No other Egyptian deity has stood the test of time as well as Isis. Her cult was not extinguished with the other Egyptian gods, but was embraced by the Greeks and Romans, her worship has even lasted into the present day.”

“A woman wearing on her head the hieroglyphic symbol of her name, which represents a throne or seat. Often seen wearing horns and a solar disk on her head. Sometimes she is pictured with wings, It is noteworthy that she is one of only a few deities that we find with wings in ancient Egyptian mythology.” –

Below, we can see the same mirrored owls as used in imagery of Isis, and the flower between them, which represents resurrection and rebirth. Other symbolic animals in the Mysteries are also depicted such as the peacock. This symbology represents the sun, which is also evident from the symbol of the sun rising over the Great Pyramid.


Going back to the seal –


“The rose is also found central in occult teachings and secret societies as a symbol of both silence and secrecy. It is also the national flower of England. The rose is one of the most important images used in the Ancient Brotherhood and by Alchemists from the East. Various secret societies use the rose as one of their main symbols such as the Freemasons.” –

The rose appears quite a few times within the game, and as stated above, the rose signifies the secrecy and concealment of the Brotherhood.

Continued on next page >

9 thoughts on “

  1. A very good job brother. The devs definately “grew up” between SA and V, it seems they realised they had made a meta game on top of an already solid game and saw that the community really embraced it (bigfoot hunt). I feel they too went through the “awakening” and dissolution that soo many other minds went through around that time (2012/13). This article is very well written and I thank you for being unbiased while holding true to your theory. We both know you’ll get alot of hate for this but thats just the nature of this hunt, so be it. So, what now? What do you do these days when you fire up the game? Knowing what I do, I still enjoy wandering and exploring, backyards, alleys, wilderness..its still rewarding to this day as I’m sure your aware. I’ve been listening to more dialogue now too. In regards to triggers, do you have any ideas as to, if any, what they could be?…certain story choices, events, areas. I can say it’s alot more enjoyable hunting now I’ve stopped expecting a reward, the hunt is the goal. One thing that has always bugged me and I’ve never read anythin about it in any forum or thread- in the loading screen showing trevor in front of the ranch he burns down, you will notice a comet/meteorite trail coming from the sky towards mt chiliad. This image, from what I can tell, is the only time R* hints at a timed event..I have tried a number of times to travel to the location depicted in the picture (somewhere near paleto bay I think haha!) during the ranch burning mission but to no avail. I think it dosnt let you leave the area by memory. So, anyway, great job brother, one of the best efforts ive seen yet. I dont post on the forums or threads and only ever lurk and read so dont worry about me stealing info or whatever, I really couldnt be bothered. If you have any interesting occult lit I would love to get a link if possible. Also, any theories on the famous hamburger sign? dog damn this game. peace brother.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. J. says:

      Thanks a lot for the kind comment. I appreciate it! Don’t worry, I’m not worried about you stealing anything, haha. Although, some have taken my information and twisted it to mean something else, and regurgitated it back into the “community” as their own, which is unfortunate. I hope people use this information and learn from it. Unfortunately, many do not understand these complex subjects, and I have received much hate over the past year, including threats and the such, simply for my wanting to help people.

      Now, concerning some of the points you made. I usually stay away from the game, until something crosses my mind, or interests me enough to check out. It’s certainly not something I open every day. I mainly play the game to observe the world, which is a good way to play in itself. A lot of the time I will simply go into the game and observe my findings, to either go back over them, and validate them further, or to try debunking them. I do keep good checks and balances in place.

      As far as what I would consider doing as a trigger, I am still mulling it over. I do think about it, and I have not ignored that aspect in the slightest. Unfortunately, at this time, I have yet to find a plausible scenario that logically makes sense.

      You made a comment concerning the meteorite, and you hit on a good point when you mentioned 2012. Indeed, that was a strong driving force behind a lot of this. For an example, venture into the mission ‘Friend Request’, and go to Lester’s back room, and see this:

      As I have said before, it is highly possible a 2012 doomsday, revolving around the Mayan apocalypse was to take place, with much of this symbolism still intact. When the game was delayed after 2012, and that time came and went, it was then altered and finalized as it is now. The meaning changed. However, this is merely my opinion, and unlike the other proof I have provided, and can back up, this has no proof, other than the fact of leftovers in the files. But still, this is something I have thought about.

      As you can see, the symbolism is ever-present in the game. As I touched on in the first part of my message, this has been widely dismissed, and viciously attacked. And that is fine really, because I let my information and knowledge of these subjects speak for themselves. I simply let the evidence speak for itself. It is all something of great value to know in the real world, which is another important point people seem to forego. I use GTA as the prime example of occult symbolism embedded in modern media, because it contains the whole spectrum. Whether or not they are part of it, I can’t say with 100% certainty, that is why I withhold judgment. It is either to conceal, or to reveal. One last thing—the hamburger sign is definitely connected, but as I believe, it is simply another indicator that Paleto Bay is an important area with clues, as the sign calls back to the Mural’s Eye. I do not know what the words on the sign mean, if anything at all.

      Thanks again for the message. You can continue to message me here if you have any more questions, or just want to reply to my message here.


  2. In regards to R*- I don’t think they are connected in any real way to anything nefarious or elite. I see them more of an anomaly, they are the small outsiders riffing on the big insiders. The anomaly is that they got big, way bigger than any other subversive medium, and, with all the money, pressure and fame that this comes with, they remain as subversive as ever, much more so in V than in any other game they have made. So yes, I definately think they are “revealing” with the most comprehensive satire ever made, hell they even out did monty python imo.
    Thanks for that photo, I had not seen this one yet, easily overlooked. What you say about checks and balances is pretty much the cornerstone of this “hunt”. Whatever the theory or thought, it must be congruent with all that has come before within the game. Maintain the tone.
    Speaking of checks.. this is my next port of call, exploring all the checks the game makes..8000 second timer, has player been to wardrobe, all those. These are very interesting to say the least.

    Do you have any videos related to your research (gtav not occult) or know of any that have helped you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. J. says:

      “Do you have any videos related to your research (gtav not occult) or know of any that have helped you?”

      Just to be clear, do you mean resources I used for all the information contained on this website?


  3. No, just in general. It would be impressive if you did have a bibliography, but no, I just mean any videos youve seen that have explored these waters in gta, any little tidbits. Also, have you seen any other games with occult symbology at these levesl? Sorry about all the questions..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. J. says:

      Oh I see. No, I haven’t seen any videos revolving around GTA covering this symbolism in proper detail, like this website for instance. As far as if there are any other games, I have to say that GTA is the only game I have ever played or seen that has this much occult imagery.

      I have used a lot of resources for the information here, which revolves around Masonic symbolism. This includes Masonic books, and documentaries on Masonic symbolism, as well as experts on Masonry. A good series is ‘Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings’, which is a video documentary series on the topic of Masonic symbolism. Also, I’ve used a long list of books by those well studied in Masonry. Masonic writers such as: Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey. Also, a highly valuable resource is William Cooper’s ‘Mystery Babylon’, which is a 40 hour tape series on the topic of the Mystery Schools. You can find all of this for free on the net, including the transcripts. I suggest you check out the Mystery Babylon series especially. It covers all of the Mystery School symbolism you see in the game, and shows what they believe, including all the ins and outs of their doctrine. It goes into the deepest detail.

      Here is a link:

      And the video documentaries I was referring to:

      I may put together a list of all the resources I’ve used, but the above is a good list. And ask as many questions as you want, it’s okay.


  4. rally says:

    I appreciate the time and effort put in to this you did very well explaining this. People do not even understand the capacity of how much symbolism is implanted into this game yet no one understands or see’s it. Once again thank you for this info

    Liked by 1 person

  5. DoctorGonZo says:

    Wow. I thought i know everything about this game after 5 years. Really an awesome writeup. Learned a lot from it. I had problems or if you want so another opinion on 2-3 things, which i’ll point out when i’m not drunk.. Your page could need an update, cause a few things changed since you posted this. Don’t know if this insider information reached you, but rockstar planed to release 3 Single Player Dlc. One Alien themed, the other one post apocalyptic and the last one secret agent style. Due to the benzies scandal (they skrewed him over for a couple hundred million), everything got delayed and gtao was such an huge sucess, they didn’t care anymore (at least one dlc was 70-80 percent done, poor franklin, he posted alot about it and got cut down). So you were right, the mystery wasn’t completely solveable and was a teaser for the sp dlcs. Yet i’m pretty sure there is more to find (everyone told me, the bigfoot peyote is just cut content after i found it. Everyone was so negative, that we first gave up and it took us 6 months (666 haha) to solve it and rockstar had to tell us to start on another day (SUNday). So yeah, i hope this message reaches you and i would love to hear your opinion on the ouvre gallery. Your better with symbols and maybe i would need your help. Best regards and sorry for my bad english

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Robert Kennedy says:

    Wow. You worked on explaining the working of gta5 story mode. The knowledge you just presented has taught me so much. Thank you. I’m still hoping there is a jetpack at the altruist camp, when the right combination of victims is brought to them at the right times of the 3 symbols in the the camp. I must presume to do this after the story is complete as I’m still trying through it. Over n over. Grew up on gta from the original.

    Liked by 1 person

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